7 June 2010

All mapped out?

Two exhibitions currently showing for free in London look at maps as visual objects and artworks

Whose Map is it? new mapping by artists



Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art


Oral History of Visual Arts and Crafts

The British Library Oral History collection for Visual Arts and Crafts now includes:

Artists' Lives - a series of life story interviews with British artists and sculptors, part of a major project run in conjunction with Tate Archive.

Craft Lives - documenting the lives of Britain’s leading craft practitioners.

Architects' Lives - a rare opportunity to hear British architects talk about their routes into the profession and the challenges they met there.

Oral History of British Fashion - a collection of in-depth life story interviews.

Oral History of British Photography - an on-going project charting the development of photography in Britain.

The BBC World Service Photography Interviews - programme to discover in what ways the invention of photography has altered the way in which we see the world.

A full listing can be found at:

Many of the recordings are available though the Bristish Library Archival Sound Recordings website, click on 'login via your home organisation' to get access to everything that we subscribe to.  (Other recordings can be heard by visiting the sound archive at the British Library).

Link: http://sounds.bl.uk/
Access: Free