7 June 2010

All mapped out?

Two exhibitions currently showing for free in London look at maps as visual objects and artworks

Whose Map is it? new mapping by artists



Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art


Oral History of Visual Arts and Crafts

The British Library Oral History collection for Visual Arts and Crafts now includes:

Artists' Lives - a series of life story interviews with British artists and sculptors, part of a major project run in conjunction with Tate Archive.

Craft Lives - documenting the lives of Britain’s leading craft practitioners.

Architects' Lives - a rare opportunity to hear British architects talk about their routes into the profession and the challenges they met there.

Oral History of British Fashion - a collection of in-depth life story interviews.

Oral History of British Photography - an on-going project charting the development of photography in Britain.

The BBC World Service Photography Interviews - programme to discover in what ways the invention of photography has altered the way in which we see the world.

A full listing can be found at:

Many of the recordings are available though the Bristish Library Archival Sound Recordings website, click on 'login via your home organisation' to get access to everything that we subscribe to.  (Other recordings can be heard by visiting the sound archive at the British Library).

Link: http://sounds.bl.uk/
Access: Free

21 May 2010

Missed World Graphics Day?

Its not too late to download the ICOGRADA poster and say why you value design....

12 May 2010

Children's book illustration awards

The shortlist for the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal 2010 has been announced.

Awarded annually, the medal highlights outstanding books in terms of illustration for children and young people.

Profiles of the chosen illustrators provide some background information on their work.

27 April 2010

Guardian Datastore

Graphic by Robin Richards
Graphic by Robin Richards (used under Creative Commons licence)

The Guardian's series of factfiles being issued this week have used some interesting examples of information graphics to display their facts and statistics.  You can see some examples of this in their datablog.

They have invited readers to use the data to create their own graphics and display them on the Guardian Datastore Flickr site.

Link: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1115946@N24/
Access: Free

22 April 2010

Archigram magazine

All nine (and a half) issues of the iconic Archigram magazine are now available on the Archigram Archival Project website.  Individually designed, the magazines were produced between 1961 and 1974 by the seminal architectural group Archigram and introduced their experimental work to a global audience.

Link: http://archigram.westminster.ac.uk/magazine.php?id=96
Access: Free

22 March 2010

Artists featured in the BBC Archive

Henry Moore at Kew, 2008

To coincide with the Henry Moore retrospective at Tate Britain, the BBC Archive has brought together a collection of films and interviews about the sculptor's life and work which can be viewed online.

Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/henrymoore/index.shtml
Access: Free

Francis Bacon is another featured artist in the Archive.

Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/bacon/
Access : Free

19 March 2010

D&AD lectures

The D&AD President's lectures for Spring 2010 have been announced as:

Mike Byrne of Anomaly - 19th April

Collett Dickenson Pearce (CDP) : Tony Brignull, Sir Frank Lowe, Sir Alan Parker, John Salmon and Alan Waldie answer questions on one of the most important UK advertising agencies of the twentieth century - 19th May

Further details and booking information available at: http://www.dandad.org/buy/presidents-lectures.html

You can view previous year's lectures for free online, speakers include:  Ivan Chermayoff, Nick Bell and Kyle Cooper.

Link: http://www.dandad.org/membership/lectures.asp
Access: Free

16 March 2010

Fashion blogs

Keep up to date with what's hot in the world of fashion blogging with 10 of the best, as chosen by Alice Fisher, style editor of the Observer.

Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/2010/feb/21/10-best-fashion-bloggers
Access: Free

Tate Channel

Tate Player has been replaced with Tate Channel, showing a range of interviews, talks and performances relating to Tate exhibitions and events.  The site includes a selection of films by artists, including Yinka Shonibare, Gilbert & George, Fischli & Weiss, Liliane Lijn, and Langlands & Bell. 

Current ‘Editor’s Picks’ include films on John Baldessari, Mat Collishaw and Chris Ofili.

Link: http://channel.tate.org.uk/channel
Access: Free

4 February 2010

National Gallery images on Credo

Credo Reference now includes high resolution images of paintings from the collection of the National Gallery, London.

Try using the image search on the homepage to find these and more.  You are free to use images and other content from Credo Reference for educational purposes within the University as long as you cite them.

Link: via InfoLinX http://infolinx.wmin.ac.uk
Access: You will need your University username and password if you are off-campus

RE: Animate - Oriel Davies Open Exhibition 2010

Oriel Davies Gallery is seeking submissions from artists across the UK for its 2010 Open Exhibition. Entries are invited which explore animation in its most broad and experimental sense. For example, work might depict or present the actuation of movement, explore the possibilities of non-narrative structure, re-introduce the object or perhaps investigate the potential of audience participation.

Deadline for submissions: 26th march 2010

1st Student Prize £500, 2nd Student Prize £250
As well as receiving their cash prize, the 1st prizewinner will be offered an exhibition at Oriel Davies Gallery in Summer 2011.

Link:  http://www.orieldavies.org/page11/

3 February 2010

Arts on Film Archive

The Arts on Film Archive offers on-line access to all 450 films made by the film department of the Arts Council England between 1953 and 1998, and is a unique record of British and international post-war art, as well as of documentary film-making in the UK. 

Link: http://artsonfilm.wmin.ac.uk/
Access: On-campus

2 February 2010


Watch FREE movies on IndieMoviesOnline.com

Independent movies by directors including Lars von Trier, Peter Greenaway and David Cronenberg are screened free and uninterrupted via a high quality player on this fully licensed and legal video-on-demand site.

Link: http://www.indiemoviesonline.com/
Access: Free

1 February 2010

30 January 2010


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